Miranda is a UK-based artist specialising in watercolour and inks. Her artwork explores the beautifully organic and illuminating nature of this unique medium. She employs the delicate interplay of having a plan whilst letting go, allowing colors to bloom and melt together organically creating distinctive pieces to enliven the soul.

Drawing inspiration from traditional chinese watercolor techniques with a contemporary twist, Miranda employs a minimal curated colour palette that energises, soothes and harmonizes. Perfect in any setting; traditional or contemporary.

Each piece invites us to bathe in the energising beauty of nature, with the hope that we are inspired to create peace and harmony in the world we all share together.


Some of my earliest memories are expressing myself through painting. A quiet creative kid, I felt at home in my own little world with my paint set. I also found deep joy in sharing art as gifts with others moved by how they felt too.

I love to create with the simple tools of a paintbrush, paper and colour. The contrast of lockdown gave me an opportunity to reignite my first love. Like many of us, feeling disconnected and somewhat separate from the world I escaped to far away places in my imagination translating them onto paper. I wished to show my children a world in peace and harmony, so at the kitchen table ‘A World in Bloom’ was first imagined.

My intention is to tell a story in our hearts, to offer up soothing moments and pauses within the spaces we inhabit. To feel connected to the emotions of awe & gratitude for the wisdom nature has to offer. We all have experienced life's darker moments, through art I wish to share opportunities to experience places within us which connect, uplift and soothe.

I live and work from my home in rural Nottinghamshire, kept busy by my beautiful twin boys. Obsessed with the sea, often found scooting off in Rizzo the campervan to get some sand on my feet or rolling out my beloved yoga mat.

Grateful you are here...

Namaste ♡


Miranda dances between abstract and realism in the art she creates. Endlessly inspired by eastern painting styles and philosophies which embody the beauty of life’s contrast…dark & light, geometry & fluidity, strength & delicacy, movement & stillness. This is expressed through gestural free brush strokes offset with crisp linework, referencing patterns and textures found within our natural world. Through abstracted forms the viewer fills in with images made by their own mind. Pure white space simultaneously lets your eyes peacefully rest.

After schooling Miranda continued to study art at college, then channeled her creativity into a degree in Interior Architecture & Design working with numerous commercial high-profile brands. Always fascinated by how our environment can positively impact us, Miranda found visualizing through sketching, drawing and digital storytelling a beautiful way to communicate without words. She continues to use a blend of hand-painted with digital craftwork, to give an additional layers of depth and uniqueness . Having a musical background as a child, rhythm & movement are intertwined into the thought processes translated onto paper. Miranda is fascinated by the poetic nature of art and it's ability to inspire and move us in ways that cannot be expressed through words alone.

Miranda is a self professed colour geek and advocate of the positive impact colour has upon our well-being. Studying colour theory within a background of interior architectural design, she produces carefully curate harmonious palettes which are inspired by Mother Nature. She often paints with indigo base notes referencing the deep balancing hues of the sea. Flashes of gold are often threaded through pieces, reflective of those ethereal transient moments in nature such as the sunlight dancing through the clouds.

Of late, Miranda has been honored to work with a national events company creating pieces for their Silent Auctions at venues such as the Royal Albert Hall & Battersea Park, London. Her latest collection ‘This Moment’ is inspired by the coastline around Holkham Nature Reserve, Norfolk. This sits alongside both classical and contemporary masters in their field such as Andy Warhol, Henri Matisse, Picasso, and Sarah Pope.

"Let it go,​ Let the Sky​ ​take it, ​Let the water​ ​carry it, ​Let the Earth hold it, ​Because you don’t​ ​have to anymore."

​- ​Victoria Erickson (author & poet)

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